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Friday 11 March 2011

Experiments with code for my Wall Paper concept.

I've started to try coding some ideas around contrast and arrangement of space. This is a code that I found from someone else...

float space=10; //sets first ellipse's diameter.

void setup()
// sets the background size, shade and line size.
  size (600,600);

void draw()
  fill(255,0);// to make ellipses transparent
  ellipse (300,300, space + random(-100,100),space + random(-100,100));// creates ellipse in the center and gets random diameters.
  space= space+random(0,10);// makes each consecutive ellipse generally larger than the last.

Which resulted in this image...

I then altered the code to get what I wanted it to look like...

float space=10; //sets first ellipse's diameter.
void setup()
// sets the background size, shade and line size.
  size (375,750);
void draw()
  fill(255,0);// to make ellipses transparent
  ellipse (50,50, space + random(-11800,11800),space + random(-11110,11110));// creates ellipse in the center and gets random diameters.
  space= space+random(0,10);// makes each consecutive ellipse generally larger than the last.

Which gave me this image...

This I feel explores the concept of line-weight and contrast, however I would now like to try and get the distribution of line to go from heavy to light from the top left hand corner to the bottom right hand corner.

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