With this wallpaper I explored the ellipse shape and imported the image of a rose below in order to get a nice distribution of red and black across the image.
What is important to note is that the code is only reading part of the image, because of the 1 by 2 size I have set my code to animate in.
Here is the Final Code in dark blue. My notes are in red.
import processing.pdf.*; // Saving as PDF command
PImage img;
float cameraX,cameraY;
void setup(){
size(500,1000,P2D); //Here is the size of the canvas, and the dimension of the sketch: 2D
img = loadImage("http://images.psxextreme.com/wallpapers/ps3/red_rose_01.jpg"); //This is where the URL of the Image I have decided to use is imported.
beginRecord(PDF, "wallpaper_1.pdf"); // Saving as PDF command
void draw (){
camera(-100, 50, random(-500,800), width, height, 1, 1, 1, 1); //Camera had a lot more of an effect in the P3D images.
int x=floor(random(0,img.width));
int y= floor(random(0,img.height));
color myColor = img.get(x,y); //Gets the colour form the image imported.
stroke(0,5); //Here I have decided to use a stroke around the object, to ever so slightly define the shape being used.
fill(myColor,random(1,20)); //The random colour sample from imported image.
ellipse(x,y,random(0,400),random(0,40)); //The ellipses being drawn from the image width and height and at random across the canvas dimensions.
void keyPressed(){
endRecord();// Saving as PDF command
Below is the final Image from this code (after a certain amount of animation and stopped when the image had built up to the standard I was happy with)...
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