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Thursday 31 March 2011

Project Two - Transformation

This project will be focusing on interaction with visuals and the creation of sound. I have been browsing many sketches on openprocessing to give some ideas on where to start. I am keen to go back to my initial brainstorm for wallpaper one and work on some key words from that, such as natural, organic, flowing. In taking these key words I am looking at the visualisation of a natural situation, for this reason I will be taking inspiration from nature, using shapes to create scenes such as the sky, green grass, the sea etc.

Depending on my coding skills I may not end up creating all of these different scenes. But so far I have been thinking about creating the sky scene with clouds (built up with different sized circles of alternate transparencies). The interaction will then come from the action of clearing the cloud away. A code I found on OpenProcessing explores the relation of the mouse to the circle and the radius changing according to the distance the mouse is away from the centre of the circle. See below :)

Click Here for link to the code that explores the above concept.

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