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Friday 11 March 2011

Experiments with other code.

I've tried out using other people's code. Experimenting with what each section means and attempting to change the code to do what I want it to.

The following code draws an image in a certain way. I looked at trying to change that image. Although this doesn't seem directly related to the type of coding I will be doing for Project One, I still found the exercise useful in terms of getting to know coding better :)

int num = 2;

PImage flower;

void setup(){
  flower = loadImage("http://static.zooomr.com/images/2714989_714f130ae2.jpg");

void draw(){
    int x = int (random(flower.width));
    int y = int (random(flower.height));   
    int Pixels = x + y*flower.width;
    float r= red(flower.pixels[Pixels]);
    float g= green(flower.pixels[Pixels]);
    float b= blue(flower.pixels[Pixels]);
    rect(x,y, num, num);

The result was an image being drawn at random with dots, to reveal the image. See below.

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